Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025
Finally the new version has arrived. The ONEMenu v2 retains the essence of being a, simple and easy menu to use. For this version of the ONEMenu, Davis9278  has joined the team: Davis9278 is the creator of the ONEInstaller .


The settings for the menu is opened / closed by pressing the Triangle button.

ONEMenu divides the contents of your games and applications into 5 categories:

  • GAMES : Contains games ISO / CSO format and PSN games.
  • PS1 : Contains PS1 Games.
  • Homebrews : Contains your fabulous Homebrews, Emulators and Applications.
  • HIDDEN : Here rest the games / Homebrews to hide.
  • ZIP : Contains .ZIP files

– The .ZIP files can be packaged as the following:

The content will be installed in the path “PSP / GAME”

Now the ONEMenu supports P_PLUGIN.ZIP files

The content will be installed in the path “MS0: /”  (you must include seplugins, for the folder on your P_PLUGIN.ZIP).


This version of the ONEMenu retains the option to BOOT. This function is to run a game or homebrew directly then the ONEMenu starts, just hold down the button assigned for that game.

The buttons used are:

  • Square
  • Triangle
  • O
  • X


So you can save a game for each button to boot.

The ONEMenu, is able to detect your ISO / CSO games that you have in your SAVEDATA, like when using CMA ( QCMA or OpenCMA ) you can transfer an ISO / CSO games on a SAVEDATA and the ONEMenu should be able to detect and display the GAMES category.

It’s a handy option, specially when you have very big games like FFTYPE0.ISO that don’t have enough free space to move internally to the ISO folder.

NOTE: Remember to activate the Scan SAVES option.

Now we have changed the way ONEMenu uses functions to hide games and homebrews.

– First to hide your homebrews or games one by one.

– If you already have your games hidden, even without restarting the ONEMenu. You can see the games you have hidden by activating the Show Hidden option, so the category HIDDEN can be activated.

– Second, you now have the option to completely ignore this list of hidden games, Scan Hidden option should leave NO. Also your hidden games will not be scanned when starting ONEMenu, which saves a bit of time as they are totally ignored.

NOTE: Even if you enable Show Hidden option, they will not be shown.

To view your hidden games, you have to leave the Hidden Scan option to YES.

Now you can show a hidden specific game using the Show option (enabling the category HIDDEN), but if you want to show all your hidden games just put in the DELETE YES Hidden option.

It also has a new visual Option SHOW PICS , which can display PICS of every game or homebrew, if you have them. But it’s done “on the fly” “so this may bring some lag when displaying CSO games especially.


There is a improved sound reproduction loaded, but it may fail randomly.

Finally and very importantly,

ONEMenu v2

You must place all the files in your SAVEDATA exploit. Here  you can find more themes available for ONEMenu.

Special Thanks Dihy Fox for his subject  WoodPirate  and jhuebert95 (Tester v2)

Please they a comments below to discuss any suggestions, criticisms, or any faults the ONEMenu may have.
IF you like to donate, you can do it at the ONElua project .

By hackinformer

I like to get everyone the right info and I like to help others get the most from there electronic devices. I enjoy playful cleverness and the exploration of technology. My Motto: You own it, you can do whatever you want with it.