Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

The releases just keep rolling out for the PSVita bubble trick. Now developer Xana has released a Ark-loader bubble with kernel access for firmware 3.18 and 3.36. The best thing about this is it shouldn’t conflict with any actual ARK-2 installation.  (Only tested this with an actual ARK-2 bubble.)

wpid-20150117_214011-1024x768 copyThis launcher is similar to qwikrazor87’s, but with kernel access. So that means you can launch ISOs, CSOs, Homebrew EBOOTS, and PS1 EBOOTS (no sound) from a bubble! Now it should have the same compatibilities as a regular ARK bubble. Also this checks to see if disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/PATH.TXT exists; if it does, it launches the path contained in there. Otherwise, it launches the installed menu normally.

Don’t for get to check out our guide if you need any help with those custom bubbles here..
1: Edit the PATH.TXT file with the path to your game/hb e.g. ms0:/PSP/GAME/HOMEBREW/EBOOT.PBP *make sure there’s no newline at the end of the file*
2: Open the ARK bubble ISO in UmdGEN and add the PATH.TXT to /PSP_GAME/USRDIR/, then save it as an ISO.
3. sign the ARK ISO with fake_np. Don’t use minis or (on 3.30+) a 3.18 exploit game as a base.
4. transfer the generated EBOOT and the ARK (3.18) or ARK_12345 (3.36) savedata through CMA.
5. install the generated EBOOT.PBP as a custom bubble.

Download for FW 3.36

Download for FW 3.18

Note, that this probably won’t launch ISOs patched with things by prometheus (138Menu checks for EBOOT.OLD, and file size constraints prevented me from including that logic). You’ll have to fix those yourself through UmdGEN.Thanks to qwik for the kxploit and the 3.36 bubble, and for the 3.18 bubble.


By hackinformer

I like to get everyone the right info and I like to help others get the most from there electronic devices. I enjoy playful cleverness and the exploration of technology. My Motto: You own it, you can do whatever you want with it.