Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

I haven’t been payed much attention to the micro Android console’s world lately, but this Game Stick caught my eye, because it was priced at $16.98. I remeber at one time the Game Stick was a $100 dollars and it’s listed on there web-site for $80.00, so I thought it was priced wrong at Gamestop. Then I was told “no it’s $16.98” I immediately pick it up and was sold.wpid-20141113_133917.jpg

What is the Game Stick? It’s a micro Android system with it’s own dashboard, store, file manager, and media player kind like the ouya.

Specifications of the Game Stick
  • Powered by Android™
  • MALI™ – 400 GPU
  • Onboard Storage 8GB
  • 32GB Micro SD Card Support
  • Built in 802.11 b/g/n Wifi
  • 1080p Video Playback
  • Bluetooth® 4.0
  • 1 x Micro USB Port (Stick)
  • 1 x Micro USB Port (Controller)
  • Bluetooth® HID Android Compatible Controller
  • Full Parental Control with Content Filters


This micro console came out around the same time the PS4 launched( horrible timing) and like all consoles it was trying to find that nitch but couldn’t. On the other hand the ouya ( another micro Android console) didn’t do so bad, it just was never in any of the stores.


It seems Gamestop as given up on the Game Stick and just wants it out of it’s stores. So why I’m I writing about this, well the little Games Stick is a Android system and can easily be rooted to gaining access to many more Android games. In the Picture below you can see SNES emulator running on the Game Stick

wpid-img_20141113_163221.jpg picture by riddle43

Here is a video of a fully rooted Game stick with Google play access

So here is your chance to have a $17 dollar Android micro console, that can do almost everything your Android phone can do. Most Gamestop might not sell them but it worth checking into, because this makes for one of the cheapest Android and Retro gaming system you and I could ever own.

By hackinformer

I like to get everyone the right info and I like to help others get the most from there electronic devices. I enjoy playful cleverness and the exploration of technology. My Motto: You own it, you can do whatever you want with it.