Tue. Mar 4th, 2025


It look’s like there is a new company in town. They have announced a new 3DS flashcart SKY3DS that can works on 3DS Firmware 9.0.0-20 directly. They say it support 3DS games and if it’s real, that would be some breaking news about the flashcart field. Here what they had to say..

We are proud to announce that the Sky3DS flashcard can now play 3ds games on any 3DS console directly,inlcude the most recent version v9.0.0-20!

This groundbreaking new technology will be up for grabs very soon! Be sure not to miss it!

From the video we can see that this flash card can support multi-roms. It changes games like the MT Card.

We will focus on this new 3DS flashcart and more information will be post soon.

What’s the technolog of SKY3DS ?

It seems that there soon will be a new Nintendo3DS FlashCart arriving at your local reseller, that directly supports running on an v9.x 3DS firmware, allowing you to just easy pickup a brand-new Nintendo 3DS console including even the just launched NEW 3DS model and play any of your 3DS backup game ROMs at ease without messing around with the older v4.5 console and using EmuNAND technology.

 Where to buy the SKY3DS Card ?

The SKY3DS official has send email to 3ds-flashcard.com to test the demo card. We will receive the demo card soon. We will post more information about SKY3DS soon.


By hackinformer

I like to get everyone the right info and I like to help others get the most from there electronic devices. I enjoy playful cleverness and the exploration of technology. My Motto: You own it, you can do whatever you want with it.