Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

It looks like the PS4 has been hack with the webkit exploit, kind of like the PSvita webkit hack that just hit last week. So what does this mean, well at the moment these are all proof of concepts but with this information many other dev’s will be able to help out. Now you probably won’t see any homebrew on the PS4 for quite sometime with this new webkit exploit, but it’s still great news. 1490730_10151745326892294_355578373_o

Quote form wololo:

This piece of news comes just as Sony have announced upcoming firmware 2.00, which will be released next week. It goes without saying that if you have expectations to use the hack that just got released, it might be wise to not update your PS4.

Developers nas and proxima have extended the recently released Vita Webkit exploit, and made it compatible with the latest PS4 firmware, firwmare 1.76. (Update: Proxima actually clarified that although this is the same webkit exploit, it was developed in parallel to the Vita exploit, and not “based” on it)

Where to test this?

I have uploaded the proof of concept pages here, you can point your PS4 to these urls, and report:

Of course as soon as I have the possibility, I’ll be testing those myself.


The full files, sources, etc.. from nas and proxima for this PS4 1.76 webkit exploit can be downloaded here.

For anyone who can’t get the PS4 webkit POC files becuse of wololo server issues credits to nas and Proxima

By hackinformer

I like to get everyone the right info and I like to help others get the most from there electronic devices. I enjoy playful cleverness and the exploration of technology. My Motto: You own it, you can do whatever you want with it.