Fri. Feb 21st, 2025

Greetings Hack-Fans!

This week our heroes unlock a long a centuries old mystery, the fabled PSN code generator! As it turns out, PlayStation Home for the PS3 isn’t a complete waste of hard drive space. Besides using it to kill time in a flappy bird-esque, mind numbing, self lobotomizing kind of way, you can turn it into your very own PSN code generator! This little trick was just recently shared with us here at HackInformer, and now we are passing it along to you. All you need is about 30-40 minutes of time, the hand dandy YouTube video walkthrough below, and well, obviously a PS3 with Home installed on it. (Remember kids, you don’t need a PS3 if you get your parents’ credit card numbers and send them to us, we will do it for you! *don’t forget the expiration date and CCV security number on the back*) The trick? Just follow the walkthrough and complete the “PlayStation Quest for Greatness 1&2 and you’ll be off generating codes for PSN in no time! Enjoy, and Happy April Fools! And a big thanks to @JH_BOOS for the tip.

Tune in next week to see what else happens to our digitized crusaders, same Hack-time, same Hack-channel!

Questions/Comments? Interwebs me at

By heleius

BAWDMF #drinkthekoolaid #inailedyourmom click my peepee