Sat. Mar 1st, 2025



Total_Noob has just updated TN-V to TN-V8. He has added a few fixes like NoDRM crash in Firmware below 1.80 and has fixed the bug where pspfiler didn’t work without any plugins activated. You can download it here, but I suggest you to download it from XMB, as you’ll see a pretty updater using VLF by Dark_AleX! This will be his last update for TN-V.

[Donation] * All Total_Noob’s works is voluntary and non-profit. But if you want to support him you can donate a small amount of money.


Changelog of TN-V8
* Added Inferno Driver by Coldbird.
* Added in-XMB FTP feature.
* Fixed NoDRM crash in FW’s below 1.80.
* Fixed bug where PSPFiler didn’t work without any plugins activated.

Have fun! Total_Noob


By hackinformer

I like to get everyone the right info and I like to help others get the most from there electronic devices. I enjoy playful cleverness and the exploration of technology. My Motto: You own it, you can do whatever you want with it.