Gamers rejoice! We are having our cliché March Madness giveaway here at HackInformer. Starting this weekend, and continuing all throughout March, we will be giving away $100 in PSN gift’s cards, PS4 goodies, PS Vita games, a Raspberry PI & goodies to go along with it, and we will end the giveaways on March 30th with a bang. Ten lucky winners will receive their own private exploit game for the PSVita! That’s right! A private exploit.
So how do you enter this amazing contest to win all these awesome prizes? It’s Easy! Each giveaway you will have up to 5 chances to win. Here’s how to enter…
1) Register at our Forums and Say Hi, you will be automatically entered in for all the giveaways.
2) Follow us on Twitter, Google+, or Facebook @HackInformer , @heleius and our cohort @CNPalmer75. We will be posting info about the upcoming giveaways on those social media outlets all month long. So retweet, ‘like’ and/or ‘share’ the announcements from us for your second, third and fourth entries to win. It will be a surprise as to who shares the info, so you need to follow us all! The more you retweet the more chances you have to win!
3) For your 5th and final entry simply subscribe to CNPalmer’s C-Note Files on and be automatically entered!
Our first round of giveaways will end on Saturday, March 14th. We will be giving away five $10 PSN cards. The winners will be chosen randomly so remember, the more you enter, the more chances you will have to win! More announcements will come for the other goodies in the coming days/weeks so keep your eyes peeled! 🙂
The exploit game is brought to you by Hackinformer and heleius. Finding and making these exploits is hard work, and we do it for the love of the scene, we don’t get paid. So, if you like, you can donate to us via PayPal, and who knows, it could increase your chances of being one of our 10 grand prize exploit game winners! 🙂