Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

Lost your Windows or Linux password? Don’t panic, the world is not coming to an end.

The Windows or Linux login password is one of the most important passwords we all have memorized and if you’ve lost (okay… forgotten) this password, the entire world can seem just out of reach.

Lucky for us there is the LaZagne project. It’s an open source application used to retrieve lots of passwords stored on a local computer. Each software stores its passwords using different techniques (plaintext, APIs, custom algorithms, databases, etc.). This tool has been developed for the purpose of finding these passwords for the most commonly used software. At the moment it supports 22 Programs on Microsoft Windows and 12 on a Linux/Unix-Like OS.

The LaZagne project


  • Launch all modules
    • cmd: laZagne.exe all
  • Launch only a specific module
    • cmd: laZagne.exe
    • example: laZagne.exe browsers
    • help: laZagne.exe -h
  • Launch only a specific software script
    • cmd: laZagne.exe
    • example: laZagne.exe browsers -f
    • help: laZagne.exe browsers -h
  • Write all passwords found into a file (-w options)
    • cmd: laZagne.exe all -w

Note: For wifi passwords \ Windows Secrets, launch it with administrator privileges (UAC Authentication / sudo)

Supported software

The LaZagne project

(*) used by many tools to store passwords: Chrome, Owncloud, Evolution, KMail, etc.

IE Browser history

Internet Explorer passwords (from IE7 and before Windows 8) can only be decrypted using the URL of the website. This one is used as an argument of the Win32CryptUnprotectData api. Therefore, using the browsing history of IE will permit the program to decrypt many passwords. To do that, I used a dll written in C code (the code is in the “browser_history_dll” directory) and it is directly embedded in the Python code as a Base64 string (c.f. ie.py). Once launched, the dll is written on the disk, a wrapper is used to call dll functions and then the dll file is removed from the disk.

Windows hashes

To dump windows hashes and LSA Secrets, the impacket library has been used:https://github.com/CoreSecurity/impacket

Build your own password recovery script

It’s possible to write your own script for the software of your choice. Building your own module has become extremely easy.

To do that, some code standards are to be met:

  • Create a class using the name of the software containing 2 important functions:
    • init: used to define all arguments used to launch the class.
    • run: will be the main function
  • Add on the config.manageModules.py file your class name and your import
  • The output containing all passwords has to be send to the “print_output” function – ex: print_output(software_name, password_list)
    • password_list has to be an array of dictionnaries.
  • Optional: you could use the function “print_debug” to print your output
    • ex: print_debug(“ERROR”, “Failed to load …”)
  • Use an existing script to understand what I have said 🙂

If you want to improve this tool you can send me your script and it will be added to this project (authors will be, of course, credited on each script ;)).


To compile the source code, some external libraries are required.



By hackinformer

I like to get everyone the right info and I like to help others get the most from there electronic devices. I enjoy playful cleverness and the exploration of technology. My Motto: You own it, you can do whatever you want with it.