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How to activate the WelcomePark on a PSTV
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Working for Firmwares: All

PlayStationTV compatible: Yes

Difficulty: Moderate

Time: approx. 10 min

Credits: Mr.Gas, Major_Tom

  • DB Browser for SQLite 3.7.0
  • a registered e-mail account on your Vita (fail-mail)
  • yifanlu's psvimgtools (backup-editing)
  • FileZilla (HENkaku)

  • Note: The WelcomePark itself is present on all PSTVs just like the PKG Installer! It only needs to be activated.

    1 2 3

    Step 1: Dumping your app.db file

    Depending on your firmware and preference there are different ways to do this:

    Fail-Mail trick - for firmware(s) 3.00 - 3.52

    HENkaku - for firmware 3.60

    Backup Editing - for ALL firmware(s)

    Step 2: Modifying the app.db file

    1) Back on the PC we can now start the SqliteBrowser, open our app.db file..


    ..go to Browse Data and select tbl_appinfo_icon from the dropdown menu.


    2) Now just hit the New Record button in the top right hand corner to create a new entry or alternativley use any app entry you don't need.


    (If you create a new entry you need to make sure to select a vaild pageID and Pos)

    3) Set the title to Welcome Park, the iconPath to ur0:appmeta/MPXS10007/icon0.png and the titleID to NPXS10007!


    4) When you're done hit Write Changes and close the programm.

    Step 3: (Re)Installing the modified app.db file

    Fail-Mail trick - for firmware(s) 3.00 - 3.52

    HENkaku - for firmware 3.60

    Backup Editing - for ALL firmware(s)

    Restart your PlayStationTV and the WelcomePark should appear! Done!


    FAQ & Troubleshooting

    My Vita performs a database refresh when restarting at the last step.

    This means the app.db got corrupted somehow. Restart at Step 2

    My Icon is just blank?!

    Maybe you put in a wrong link at the iconPath entry?

    My e-mail shows a [?] instead of the photo symbol?!

    Try resetting the Vita's mail account or resend the mail.

    Some of my apps now have a grey background and are missing the start icons?

    Thats a bug which can occurs when adding new records to the app.db.

    Last updated:
    November 4, 2019