Plugins Section TN-V ready: Cheat Master Fusion Revision v21d | by koro | This is a Chinese cheat device for PSP, It uses the same cheat code format as CWCheat. -> Custom Home v1.3.4 | | by ABCanG1015 | This is the plugin that makes HOME MENU more convenient. -> CWCheat v0.2.3 | | by Takka | Takka's ported version of Weltall's CWCHEAT for 6.20 TN. Activate the plugin in seplugins/game.txt and cheat each and every PSP game. -> Day Viewer v7 | | by Total_Noob, Neur0n | Customize the XMB date and time string by adding the day, month name, year, and seconds. You can also add the battery percentage too. -> Download Manager v1 | | by Total_Noob | Select your item to download as normal and once it starts you'll be prompted to enter the Download Manager by pressing [START]+[SQUARE]. Once that opens you can manage each individual download; highlight an item and press [TRIANGLE] to pause or [CIRCLE] to cancel. Press [START]+[SQUARE] again to close the Download Manager -> Free Cheat v1.0.12.18 | | by Flarejune | It allows, among others, to use cheats, read texts, connect USB, taking screenshots and anytime for a game or from the XMB. -> Game Menu v7 | | by neur0n | An in-Game VSHMenu. Press START + SELECT to open menu. -> In Game Day Viewer v7 | | by plum | Advanced Date and time in go home screen. -> leda | | by Dark Alex | It's a legacy software loader which will allow users to run 1.5 kernel homebrew. -> Localizer | by Draan | Localizer, a handy homebrew plugin that let's users customize their respective XMBs. -> Music PRX | by Cpasjuste | Play music while playing a game! -> Paint On XMB v1 | by Mr305 | A basic POC / Framework for upcoming TweakDISPLAY module with GU acceleration for extrordinary performance improvements. -> Password Lock v3 | by neur0n | Protect your XMB with a passwort! -> pFile v0.1 | by | A File manager for your PS Vita CEF -> Power Ctrl v5.3.0 | by SnyFbSx | The PSP Power Controller plugin allows users to create handy shortcuts in order to access several features of their handheld. -> PRXShot v0.4.0 | by Codestation | This is a screenshot plugin that doesn’t need to pause the game to take the capture. -> PSP 3D v2.21 | by PSPWizard | This plugin lets you add 3d to some of your PSP games. -> PSPEText v1.1 | by QBRADQ | A text reader that gets loaded along side your game. -> Simple Battery Viewer v1.3 | by ABCanG | A plug-in that can display the battery information directly to Home Screen below the time and date notification. -> Simply Saver | by neur0n | This plugin lets you modify the PSP's web browser so that you can save any downloaded files to a location of your own choosing. -> SSSSS v0.2 | by | A Screenshot plug-ins that support image formats such as BMP or PNG or JPG -> Stop Watch v1.6 | by SnyFbSx | This plugin is easy stopwatch. -> TN Savestate plugin v1 | by Total_Noob | With this plugin you can save and load states WHENEVER, WHEREVER you want. -> XMB Icon Manager | by Total_Noob | A handy plugin that allows you to rename existing icons and replace other functions without touching the flash0. -> Plugin Installation 1. Un-rar the archive you downloaded 2. Copy the P_XXXX.ZIP to your exploited savedata and copy that to your Vita. 3. When launching the exploit, hold the R trigger 4. Go to Plugins > Plugin Installer and install the zip and your done!